American Made Woodturning Jigs & Tooling for Thread cutting, Open Segment, Basket Weave Illusion, Sphere cutting and more.
XL Vacuum Stabilization Multi Chamber 6pc Kit
Huge 10in dia allows you to stabilize a turned wooden bowl and large batches of boxes and duck calls
SKU 00039
The main chamber on this kit is HUGE allowing you to stabilize a 10in turned wooden bowl with ease avoiding the need to use a bag.
Create your own unique "easy-to-turn" wood with this user-friendly turnkey system that utilizes a Vacuum Stabilization Process and Stabilizing Resin. Woods that tend to crack and check, such as spalted woods, can now become solid, easily turned pieces with the application of heat cured resin that penetrates deeply into the wood
This Wood Stabilization kit provides the optimum in versatility and economy in wood stabilization. Vacuum pulls the stabilization resin into wood to change woods into pieces that can be easily turned.
The included two stainless chambers allow you to also stabilize a batcj of smaller projects like pen blanks , dozen duck calls or bottle stoppers without having to fill up the large PVC chamber.
The stainless chambers are also ideal when using dye in the you can easily use two different colors or the pieces can soak in the stainless chambers and not tie up the primary chamber.
Multi-use Kit
Kit Content:
Note Included
Hold down plates - You will need to create a hold down plates to keep things from floating. These are easy to make with a jigsaw and a piece of wood or use a plastic cutting board. Insert the disk with some weight on top of them such as a rock and you are all set.
Vacuum Pump - To complete the kit include as an option our air compressor driven Venturi Vacuum Generator
Please note - This product it can take up to 9 business days to ship.